How to Make Car Head Unit Voice Ativated

Has your inner voice ever stopped you from pursuing opportunities that you were really looking forward to? Have you ever felt like giving up before you even started on something? There's a name for this feeling. It's called imposter syndrome.

  • Author Carmen Acton shares her experience of being engulfed by self-doubt when she was offered a managerial role at work. Here are some strategies that she still uses to overcome her inner critic — and that you can use too.
  • Name your feelings. Writing them down can help you see through your irrational fears and help you understand that you are more than that feeling.
  • If you're caught up in a moment, practice intentional breathing. It helps reduce the cortisol in your body and allows you to think more clearly.
  • Reach out to a trusted confidant or peer and share your feelings.
  • Think about one person who inspires you. Now, ask yourself, "What would [name] do?"
  • Finally, focus on who you want to be, rather than who you think you are right now.

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I was 22 when I graduated from college with a degree in resource science and landed my first role as a residential auditor for a utility company. My job was to help people from low-income communities in California reduce their energy bills.

During one of my first assignments, I met a woman who had an enormous freezer in her garage stuffed with boxes of See's Candies. It cost her a fortune to keep that freezer running, but she wasn't ready to give it up. As I evaluated her home, I discovered that her attic wasn't insulated. Insulating her attic would help reduce her energy cost enough to run the freezer, reduce her bill, and save her a lot more money over time.

I loved that job. I was able to make a real impact, travel to different communities and neighborhoods, and meet new people — including that woman with the sweet tooth who would now be leading a better life.

Over the next six years, I worked in several different roles at the company, making the most of each opportunity that came my way. I grew confident in myself and my abilities. Then, one day, my boss invited me into her office.

She informed me that our team was being restructured. We would be taking on a few more significant projects, and I, of all people, had been selected to assume the role of one of three supervisors. Soon, I would have my own team. It would be my first time in a managerial role, and I was excited. That is, until my boss started describing my responsibilities.

I would have to set team goals.

I would have to evaluate other people's performances.

I would have to hold those people accountable.

I would have to contribute to leadership meetings.

The list went on.

Suddenly, all my excitement dissipated into thin air. A pit launched itself into my stomach. While everyone congratulated me, I couldn't stop my mind from spiraling. I was making a mental list of all the reasons I would fail:

I don't know enough about this stuff to lead other people.

I am younger than my team — they will look down upon me.

My peers won't see me as credible and they'll hate me.

Other leaders will realize all of this and they'll hate me too.

I had transitioned smoothly between my earlier roles, but this felt different. In the few weeks leading up to my promotion, I became increasingly stressed, up to the point where I was losing sleep.

When I was an individual contributor, I thrived — in part because I had so much autonomy and control over my work. I prioritized my daily tasks, learned my strengths and weaknesses, and quickly recovered from missteps. But in this new role, many of the things that had brought me comfort would be out of my control. I would have to set goals for others, delegate tasks, be available, and learn to inspire and motivate my team to deliver on their responsibilities. There was a lot was at stake.

I also wasn't sure: Was it just me or did everyone feel scared before taking on a managerial role? I worked up the courage to talk to a friend who had become a supervisor a year earlier. Had he had similar doubts? Yes, he had and still does sometimes. I wasn't alone. There is actually a more formal term for what we were both experiencing. I'm sure you've heard of it before: imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome or imposter phenomenon, which Dr. Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes define as "an internal experience of intellectual phoniness," affects people of all ages and gender identities. One of the major causes of this feeling is a "fear of failure," and it is often experienced more among first-generation professionals like me.

Psychologists say that imposter syndrome can make you overly self-critical. It can make you feel like a fraud, and the voice in my head was doing just that. A lot of my anxiety surrounding becoming a manager was a direct result of not knowing what would happen if I failed. What if I disappointed my boss, my team, or worse, myself? The uncertainty of what lay ahead made it harder for me to revel in my success.

At the same time, sharing my feelings with my friend gave me a way to name them — a first step towards stripping them of their power and moving forward. Eventually, I learned to recognize my own negative self-talk and counter it with encouragement rather than letting it hold me back.

Here are a few strategies I used back then, and still use, to silence my inner critic (whenever it shows up).

Name it to tame it.

Initially, I turned to journaling. Every day my inner critic found more reasons for why my new role wouldn't work out. But as I wrote about my thoughts and feelings, I discovered there was power in getting it all down on paper. Reading my words back to myself, I could see how negative my thinking was.

"The thought of supervising others makes me anxious and afraid."

"I'll be a horrible leader."

"I don't know enough to be a leader."

"I'm not smart enough."

"Faking it until I make it is not going to work for me."

I would never say these things to another person, so why was I saying them to myself? They also seemed kind of extreme. The thought of supervising others caused me anxiety, but it also made me excited. Being a leader would definitely be new, but it would also be a perfect opportunity to learn and grow. Changing my self-talk to focus on self-compassion instead of self-criticism in this way was helpful.

"The thought of supervising others makes me anxious and afraid. But I'm also excited. I have people who will help me. It will be okay."

"I'll be a horrible leader. I know I want to be a good leader. I'll have to work at it and I'll make some mistakes, but I have people who can guide me, like my boss."

" I'm not smart enough. I don't need to know it all. I'm motivated, kind, smart, compassionate, and have mentors."

Hit the pause button and breathe.

When I was in college, I felt anxious prior to every test. Before entering the classroom, I would stop and take a couple of deep breaths to calm down. I still find this practice useful years later. Now, I purposefully take deep breaths whenever negative thoughts cloud my mind.

If I feel my idea isn't worth sharing in a meeting, I take a deep breath, pause, and then share my thought. I think of it as a kind of courage-booster. For instance, there was a time when my colleague adamantly challenged my perspective, and my inner critic kicked in. I immediately began to second-guess myself and my breathing grew shallow. Then I stopped. I took a deep, purposeful breath, and suggested we take a brief break. I walked around the building to clear my head and calm myself before coming back to continue the discussion, and noticed my colleague was much calmer too.

Intentional breathing really works. Getting extra oxygen in your system can reduce the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body by as much as 50% in 10 minutes. Research also shows that people use less than 25% of their lungs' capacity. Taking a deep breath in your belly and a long, slow exhale is sometimes all you need.


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Share your thoughts with a trusted confident or advisor.

Verbalizing my thoughts was, and continues to be, very cathartic. Back when I first became a manager, I shared my fears around letting people down with a close friend. She listened attentively. Then, she said, "You've always been a natural leader. Remember how you organized that hiking trip we went on?"

She probed further about my strengths and which of them I could apply to my new role. I was adaptable, resilient, empathetic, organized, and importantly, I had a strong vision: I wanted my team to do work that would make people's lives better. We spoke about my experiences, what I had learned over the years, and how I could use each of the skills I named to help my team thrive.

As we spoke, I began to feel more sure of myself, and my capacity to lead. In time, I probably would have discovered those transferrable skills on my own, but having an advisor significantly sped up the process, and gave me confidence when I needed it most.

Think about that one person who inspires you. Now, ask yourself, "What would [name] do?"

My anxiety largely stemmed from stepping out of my comfort zone. But I soon realized that, although the word "manager" loomed large in my head,  I wasn't going to be the first manager to ever walk the earth. This would just be my first time managing.

I thought about the leaders in my company that I admired: Rich, my first-ever boss, and my current supervisor, Sue. What was it about them that inspired me? What qualities of theirs did I admire? What was their working style like? How could I become a respected leader, too?

Whenever a challenging situations arose, I began to ask myself, "What would Rich or Sue do in this scenario?" Sometimes, I even asked, "What would my older, wiser self advise me to do?"

This advice may seem obvious, but it can be difficult to remember to pause and ask these question when you're under pressure. Remember that you can be your own best counsel by taking a few moments to reflect when that pressure is on. Think about how another person (or your future self) would overcome the challenge you're facing. This has gotten me out of some sticky situations throughout the years.

Focus on who you want to be, rather than who you think you are right now.

One way to overcome the fear of failure or that "internal experience of intellectual phoniness" is to focus on what matters to you in the long term. To me, what mattered most was recognizing the type of leader I wanted to be. I knew I wanted to grow, to be respectful to my teammates, build meaningful connections, and lead with purpose. I wanted to be fair, empowering, and authentic.

Defining the kind of leader I wanted to become helped me define how I would behave with my team, the culture I would create, and the way I would communicate with others in general.

Over time, I've realized that all of us are prone to feel like an imposter — and that's okay. If you, like me, struggle with the idea of stepping up to a leadership role, here's a friendly reminder: Self-doubt is normal. Your actions speak louder than the voice in your head pulling you down. You are a resourceful, creative person who has already been successful. A new role is an opportunity to learn and grow. You don't have to be perfect. You just need to be open to learning.

How to Make Car Head Unit Voice Ativated


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